UCSD Masquerade Ball Press Release
March 31, 2016
Erica Kao
SAN DIEGO, California; November 14th, 2015 –– Students from University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Circle K International recently hosted their 18th annual large scale fundraising event: Masquerade Ball. Members of Circle K, an international collegiate community service organization sponsored by Kiwanis International, from all across the district of California, Nevada, and Hawaii were invited to attend.This event took place at the Natural History Museum of Balboa Park in San Diego, CA on Saturday November 14th from 7:00PM to 11:00PM.
Each year, UCSD Circle K’s Masquerade Ball Chair and the committee host this event to raise funds for The Eliminate Project, one of the organization’s largest fundraising initiatives led by Kiwanis International and UNICEF. The Eliminate Project seeks to eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus from the world by the end of this year with 21 remaining countries with MNT left in the world. it In the past, the dance has proven to be quite successful, garnering over 1,000 attendees in the past two years. This year, the event was organized by Edward To, a 4th year student at UCSD.
To states, “Masquerade Ball is UCSD Circle K’s key event of the year. Many people recognize our organization because of this event. It’s our largest fundraiser of the year and also our largest service project due to the amount of volunteers needed. Currently, the Eliminate Project is less than $8 million away from achieving their goal, and all our donations are going to make a huge impact on this number. Despite many obstacles and changes this year, the event was extremely successful, and everyone who attended it enjoyed it a whole lot more than previous years”.
In the past two years, UCSD Circle K has raised over $17,000 in funds for The Eliminate Project from Masquerade Ball, and this year proved to be no different. In one night, over $8,000 was raised with over 850 attendees. In addition, sponsors of the event included: The Atlantis Resort and Casino, Cultureshock Dance Center, LA Dodgers, Hornblower Cruises, Maritime Museum of San Diego, Sprinkles Cupcakes, and the Midway Museum. The event not only serves as a community celebration that helps raise record funds each year, but also aims to bring numerous people together in experiencing the vibrant, yet historic essence of San Diego.
Chartered in 1977, Circle K International at UC San Diego is the largest community service organization on campus, boasting around 150+ members each year. UCSD CKI received the Outstanding Community Service Program of the Year Award from the University for the years of 2010-2011. UCSD CKI distinguishes itself from other campus organizations by its dedication to service, leadership, and fellowship. For more information on UCSD Circle K, please visit www.ucsdcki.org.